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New Anyone with Python COM experience?
Well, I'm finally programming with Python for real -- and I know there are a few people here who can help me out if I run into problems or questions with the base language.

But, does anyone have experience using Python with Windows, especially with COM? COM strikes me as being a real hack -- and further reinforces my idea that the Registry is one big hack. So far I've managed to get the important stuff working, such as catching COM events in Python code. At least COM in Python seems a lot better than COM in C++.

And, I'm even more sure now that Python is a better choice than VBScript. For one, VBScript can't catch events. So far I like Python, and expect to do most of the development for this project in Python (plus a little C++).

New Tiny, tiny, tiny
Anything else, I can help you with wrt Python.

Python on Winders, no ah ah. :-)

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Well, it's better than a lot of other things on Windows
for the forseeable future we'll be NT4/W2K, especially since we have two DSP boards (sensor acquisition, motor control) to handle the real time stuff.

However, you're not missing anything; although Python does simple COM with ease, COM does seem like a typical first class MS hack job. I'm trying to minimize my COM knowledge, too; I just hope I don't run into any really weird COM problems.

It's quite likely I'll have some general Python questions. I need to look into imports and scoping in some more depth.

     Anyone with Python COM experience? - (tonytib) - (2)
         Tiny, tiny, tiny - (admin) - (1)
             Well, it's better than a lot of other things on Windows - (tonytib)

So ... how hard is it to get into the Paris Hilton?
32 ms