I had 2 issues come up with my side job that work great in browsers other than IE - using images as form input buttons and using PNGs with alpha channel. I'm using PHP for this project.

Each button originally had the same name, Option, and I'd do switch/case on $_POST['Option']. Turns out IE doesn't return $_POST['Option'], but it does return $_POST['Option_x'] and $_POST['Option_y'] for the x-y coordinates the user clicked on the image at. I ended up redoing the image buttons to have a name that starts with Option and check for anything staring with Option to retrieve the user's input from the _x or _y value as such:
\n$UserInput = $_POST['Option'];\n  if ($UserInput == "")\n  {\n        foreach($_POST as $key => $value)\n                if (substr($key,0,6) == "Option")\n                        $UserInput = str_replace("_",".",substr($key,6));\n        if (substr($UserInput,-2) == ".x" || substr($UserInput,-2) == ".y")\n                $UserInput = substr($UserInput,0,strlen($UserInput)-2);\n  }\n  switch($UserInput)\n  {\n   ....\n  }\n

I found [link|http://homepage.ntlworld.com/bobosola/index.htm|this site] with a [link|http://homepage.ntlworld.com/bobosola/imagemap.htm|work around] for the PNGs used as inputs in a form.

Note: the str_replace is because I have a "document folder" page that shows clickable icons to view files such as VacationRequest.pdf; the periods in the filenames get changed to _ so I have to change them back before I can display the files.