Simon writes:

They need to show much money Republican have been getting from Enron. They need to show that Gov. Bush is receiving funding from a former Enron president (he is - the fund raising is going to be at his home).

Enron may not be a good cudgel for the Democrats.

[link||Bost Globe story] on an ex-Lieberman aid attempting to lobby for Enron. It also says:

In addition to its political donations, Enron and its affiliates reported spending about $1 million in the first half of 2001 on a star-studded lobbying team in Washington.

That team included former Clinton White House counsel Jack Quinn, ex-Democratic Louisiana Sen. J. Bennett Johnston, former Al Gore adviser Greg Simon and Republican strategist Ed Gillespie.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if stories like this are coming out in an attempt to "shoot the messenger" - i.e. tarnish the reputation of those in Congress attempting investigate what happened with Enron, by showing that everyone is involved, etc. But until more is known, it may not be a good assumption to figure that Enron had more sway with Republican politicians than others.

Just my $0.02.
