Oh yeah? So, are YOU currently engaging in illegal hate speech...? 'Coz I certainly aren't, you know... Or are you claiming that denying the Holocaust is anything *but* hate speech? That it can have *any* other real purpose than promoting a second one?

I am currently engaging in declaring that anything, however hateful, should be allowed to be said. I am currently engaging in defence of hate speach. If it's not a crime yet, it ought to be.

Yeah, WE don't know; you and I. But the combined judicial and law enforcement systems of the several European (and possibly other) nations where he did hold those speeches would presumably be able to find at least *some* witnesses that could be persuaded to testify as to what he actually *did* say, in his speeches or at the banquets they probably held in the evenings after some of them(*).

And NKVD was justs as adept at finding witnesses who could be pursuaded.

Was any evidense of incitement to violence presented at the trial? I don't care what he did or not do - I car ewhat he was convicted of. What he was convicted of constitutes an unjust punshment and a dangerous trend.