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New If they're gonna do this
They might as well do it right. They'd first need to make sure they covered every ethnicity; otherwise they'd be considered prejudiced against Italians or Indians (both Eastern and all the Western variations). How about the Asians? I'm sure there are some Asian firefighters. What about the women firefighters, they need a woman as part of the statue! Nevermind that none of these people were in the original picture! They have a lot of space there where the towers stood, let's do this up right!

Slippery when Sarcastic

damn, I miss that sign

"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country..."

General George S. Patton
New Yep, show the absurdness by going extreme
There's been a few responses in the press, like this [link|http://www.nypress.com/static/billboard.cfm#793|one]

But why stop there? ... they should add a woman... a queer ... a Jew ...Arab ... a physically challenged firefighter in a wheelchair.

and this [link|http://www.frontpagemag.com/columnists/ponte/2002/ponte01-16-02.htm|one] with "why stop there"
By June 2002, the U.S. Marines\ufffd Iwo Jima statue had been redone, replacing all the original photograph\ufffds flag raisers except Native American Ira Hayes.
By September 2002, Mount Rushmore had been dynamited and cemented into four new faces
By late October 2002, Americans were required to exchange their old money with pictures of DWAMs (Dead White American Males)
By late December 2002, crews rushed to complete surgical alteration of the Statue of Liberty into a black male

Darrell Spice, Jr.

[link|http://home.houston.rr.com/spiceware/|SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore

New Sly LRPD sez: Perhaps if we built this large wooden badger..
     How dare they be white - (SpiceWare) - (10)
         I didn't know this - (wharris2)
         Iwo Jima. It's been done. This is maudlin. -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
             Re: Yo talkin bout that poor Pima Indian boy ? - (dmarker2) - (1)
                 "Call him Drunken Ira Hayes he won't answer anymore." -NT - (mmoffitt)
         If they're gonna do this - (Steven A S) - (2)
             Yep, show the absurdness by going extreme - (SpiceWare) - (1)
                 Sly LRPD sez: Perhaps if we built this large wooden badger.. -NT - (Ashton)
         My wife is convinced that they're smoking crack. - (inthane-chan) - (2)
             gotta change that statue of George Washington - (boxley) - (1)
                 tsk tsk, a homey? -NT - (wharris2)

It's watching you from across the way...
41 ms