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New "Select Data Source" box won't go away
I have a CD-ROM that has an MS Access 2.0 file on it that's at least 6 years old. The guy who I purchased the product from promised updates, but never followed through, despite numerous letters requesting that he honor his word. I then tossed it into a storage tray and forgot about it until late last fall, when I found it while I was packing for a move which unfortunately didn't occur. I've been trying to get at the data so that I can import it into my own database file without success. I know that there are numerous password retrieval programs out on the Internet, but the wife gets all of the credit card bills and would have a cow over my buying software while supporting 2 households (my home and my apartment in the city where I work). So I've written a brute force password creator program in VB and run it on the machine Darryl Spice built for me or on the work machine when I go home every evening. The program creates a string of 8 ASCII characters and increments the string values by one after every unsuccessful attempt.

That was the plan. The reality is whenever I run it, when the code hits the "Open" statement, up pops the "Select Data Source" box requesting that I pick a DSN linked to the Access 2.0 file which I copied down to the hard drive. Naturally, since I don't have permission/rights to the file, I can't create a DSN connected to the file. So I can hit the "Cancel" button so the program will move onto the next string variation of a password, but the "Select Data Source" box keeps coming up. This happens on the work machine that has NT 4.0 and my home machines that have Win98 original.

Any suggestions on how to prevent the "Select Data Source" box from popping up so the program can run unattended?
"Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, Kafka?"
New Easier solution
Script a way to auto-click the cancel button. There are some old screen-scraping utilities that do this.
We have to fight the terrorists as if there were no rules and preserve our open society as if there were no terrorists. -- [link|http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/05/opinion/BIO-FRIEDMAN.html|Thomas Friedman]
New No scripting languages in my background
Do you know how to do this, or where I can find some screen-scraper utilities to do it for me?
"Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, Kafka?"
New You need to stuff the event queue.
There's an SDK API to do it from C. Do a WM_KEYBOARD PostMessage to the the dialog, using FindWindow to find it. I did this once, back in Windows 3.0. Scheduling is tricky with a modal dialog up, but if you do it from a hook function of some sort, you might just get scheduled.

Also, I've heard mention of something called Microsoft Test, which came out after I'd quit doing Windows hardcore.

What, you were hoping this would be easy?
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Ask inthane-san about that last one.
A stupid despot may constrain his slaves with iron chains; but a true politician binds them even more strongly by the chain of their own ideas;...despair and time eat away the bonds of iron and steel, but they are powerless against the habitual union of ideas, they can only tighten it still more; and on the soft fibres of the brain is founded the unshakable base of the soundest of Empires."

Jacques Servan, 1767
New what about using a 'recorder" tool?
If I remember correctly, Win95 had some type of a Recorder function available. I don't remember how you you selected it to start it up, but I do remember using it in a previous job ('95-'96 time frame) to record mouse movements on the screen and replay the motions ad infintium until you manually stopped the macro. We ran it on Win95, haven't yet moved to NT then.

What if I track down a hard drive or CD with Win95 on it? Could I extract the recorder EXE file and use it? Would it even install, let alone run, under NT 4 or Win98? Maybe some other company has their own recorder program available as shareware or freeware? When I can break away from reality I'll hit a few sites to see if such a utility exists.

Site recommendations anyone?
"Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, Kafka?"
New Only way I know of
is to relink the table and check a box "Save password" when you connect to the table. I usually did this for any Access database that was used by the users. It would save the password and the connection DSN that was used to connect to it.

There used to be a "Sendkey" command that allowed Access to send a series of keystrokes to a window. You might try an "Alt-C" and then "Enter" keystrokes. I've forgotten it and I think that future versions of Access took it out or changed it. "Alt-C" will select the "Cancel" button and "Enter" will press it.

Hacking Access Databases is a hard thing to do. But I think some of the cracker sites may have a link for it. Your best bet is to search [link|http://www.astalavista.com|Astalavista.com] and try some of the search engines on their web site for "Access 2.0 crack" and see what comes up.

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
     "Select Data Source" box won't go away - (bconnors) - (6)
         Easier solution - (drewk) - (4)
             No scripting languages in my background - (bconnors) - (3)
                 You need to stuff the event queue. - (marlowe) - (2)
                     Ask inthane-san about that last one. -NT - (tseliot)
                     what about using a 'recorder" tool? - (bconnors)
         Only way I know of - (nking)

Sorry, no can do.
52 ms