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New Now, Drew
A lot of people want something like this for thier website, and not everyone has access to scripting. Now, it MIGHT be a setup, sure. Might not be, too. It's not an unreasonable question for us to look at. If it turns out to be a harvester, we'll find out, I'm sure.

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.

Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning,
As hopeless as it seems in the middle,
Or as finished as it seems in the end.
New I didn't make any accusations
Sure, I suggested I was mighty suspicious ...

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New Do a bit of Googling
It seems like an awful lot of people post questions just like this one, and then solve their problem using Mail Maniac.

Phrasing of the question, type of problem, etc, very close.

So, either: Shill.
Or: Someone who does not know how to Google.

So Jiggly - What's your web site?
New I deem shill
Almost exactly duplicate post:

Logged in just to post it.

New Forum Member

Joined: Nov 20, 2005
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:03 pm Post subject: need form mailer help \t
Hi guys,

I read this forum very often since I needed help with my SkypePhone.

Anyway, now I need help with my website. I'm trying to webdesign my website and want to have a mailform on my website. I don't have PHP or ASP so I need a formmailer to do the job. I found a form mailer on google but I don't really know how to use it. I'm quite a noob at HTML Very Happy . Anyway, mail-maniac says it is totally free, no ads and maximum amount of emails compared to others. They also tell me it's free to add attachments, but I can't figure out how. Can anyone tell me how mail-maniac works?


New I've just upgraded him to scumbag shill
In this one, he logged in as different users to both post the question and then post the answer.


Here, lets create a little Google food:

"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"
"Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac" "Mail Maniac"

New That's not google food
This is google food:

[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]


[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=236797|Mail Maniac]



Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New Fed it an address.
We'll see if they are harvesting emails or not.

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.

Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning,
As hopeless as it seems in the middle,
Or as finished as it seems in the end.
New Don't care
Whether they are or are not is secondary.
Maybe the business model is to get enough users and then leverage them up to a paid service by changing their TOS and putting ads on pages or making them pay.
Doesn't matter.
The core issue is they are astro-turfing web disuscuins with fake conversations.
This makes them a shill.
New *shrug* Point.

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.

Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning,
As hopeless as it seems in the middle,
Or as finished as it seems in the end.
New Gosh, and in the last 10 days he still hasn't figured it out

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
New I had that feeling from the start.
Who would name a legitimate program "Mail Maniac"? It sounds like something that only a spammer would use.

Why would they post here to ask such a question?

Why have the last 10 or so new registered users who have posted given us little but spam?

All of these things made me think that didn't sound right. But I was willing to wait to see how things panned out.


(Who's often suspicious of shiny new things that appear on the Interweb...)
New Oh, by the way ... :-P ____ o0oo oo0o

Purveyor of Doc Hope's [link|http://DocHope.com|fresh-baked dog biscuits and pet treats].
     need help with a form mailer - (Jigglypuff) - (22)
         Off the top of my head - (imric)
         Do you have Perl? - (scoenye)
         Hmmm ... - (drewk) - (19)
             Re: Hmmm ... - (Jigglypuff) - (18)
                 No problemo - (imric)
                 You understand why this looks suspicious, don't you? - (drewk) - (12)
                     Now, Drew - (imric) - (11)
                         I didn't make any accusations - (drewk)
                         Do a bit of Googling - (broomberg) - (8)
                             I deem shill - (broomberg) - (7)
                                 I've just upgraded him to scumbag shill - (broomberg) - (4)
                                     That's not google food - (drewk) - (3)
                                         Fed it an address. - (imric) - (2)
                                             Don't care - (broomberg) - (1)
                                                 *shrug* Point. -NT - (imric)
                                 Gosh, and in the last 10 days he still hasn't figured it out -NT - (drewk)
                                 I had that feeling from the start. - (Another Scott)
                         Oh, by the way ... :-P ____ o0oo oo0o -NT - (drewk)
                 Questions - (ChrisR) - (3)
                     I"ve got a question. - (jake123) - (2)
                         It's a Pokemon. -NT - (admin) - (1)
                             Pokemons aspirate the obese? - (jake123)

You tread upon my patience.
65 ms