This is really cool too...

[link||BBIAgent] website. Tis coolio... Absolutely coo.

I just started doin it whilst I completely rebuild my box with my public interface in it.

I gonna build a Linux machine myself All from source the "old-way".

Put another drive in an exisitng machine get a skeleton system on it to boot in a different machine, then D/L everything and build all the stuff I want... no predefined distro, no dealing with things someone else wanted to do a certain way,

Nope, Ima gonna follow the LSB as closely as I possibly can. Gonna be a stripped-down/full-featured (a contradiction maybe???) as possible. Probably Sym-Link Hell... Sorry, I just gotta do it again... been a few years since I dun it... WOW, can't actually remember the last machine I did that way.

*scratches head*
*sniff sniff*

Is that wood burning????

Nope that info is gone... Maybe I shouldn't do that...