1-Way conversation last night with my part-time cat, Sierra ... angling for some more salmon skin (her fav; she be my most efficient recycler of otherwise homo-sap unpalatable pieces of goodies).

Sierra.. no more for now. With two feeding you, you are getting Fat.
And I want to see you stick around this illusion for awhile.. Y'Hear, Sierra !?

Sierra hears:
Sierra..Garble blabble rhubarb gabble fabble deebee doo ...
Sierra !?

..but - something Does get through the worm hole, orthogonally
(that word's almost as much fun as cellar door)

When I'm obviously speaking to her -
(like the guy on the PBS series imagineering an explanation of the current Rev. Duh.0.66 of the Super-Stringy-ID-Theory of Everything -- to his dog)

- she makes periodic one-cat-syllable mews -- and I notice that, focussing on just her mouth: it is most hilariously remindful of many animated cartoons with the mouth running a [!=.jpg - that earlier TLA] script! It is an actual emotional expression in catese, indubitably.