but you were only talking about the buses in your reply to BP.

And yes, I agree it was a fustercluck :-) The thing that's been pissing me(and BP) off is that all we're seeing is how the feds failed New Orleans. Never mind the mayor who had to be told by others to evacuate his city and then not follow the evacuation plan. Never mind the governor who "needs 24 hours" to accept Bush's offers for help(watch the biasedly described video Nagin still outspoken at CNN for this interesting tidbit). No, it's all Bush's and the Fed's fault. Sure, they have their share of the blame, but to me it pales in comparision to the local/state.

For a comparison of successful local/state handling of a disaster, just look one state over. And even then, we're asking [link|http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/special/05/katrina/3339670|WERE WE PREPARED?] instead of blaming everybody else.