Lightly surprised that Someone down there hadn't yet whispered to one of these solon-cretins:

this is bloody fucking Stupid on the face of it! and were this to actually go to trial (?) I would *hope* that this might be the final straw which might cause, say, hundreds of IT folk to finally coalesce and Do Something Together! For Once. ??? Too much trouble? Too unimportant? Gonna swallow DMCA without a whimper?

Do what? At very least: Show Up nearby the venue. Create some provocative signs, maybe a series: telling the story so any cretin can get the point. Talk to $&*%#$ reporters, get on late night Tee Vee (as reps of all those 'concerned scientists') yada yada.

Just a thought. WTF, it's just Y'All's Field is all.

What me worry? They haven't come for Me yet.. so -