Surprising as it may be to some here, I've had a few issues with browsers at various points in time. Usually these have to do with aspects of user control over the browsign experience -- let me rule over my fonts, colors, whether or not images animate, sound. Likewise Java, Javascript, and other executable content.

Anyway, I've found I'm not alone. Looking through [link||Bugzilla], I've found a few bugs that top out my own gripe list.

Topping the list: [link||#94035 -- Allow blocking of any media type by site (like cookies and images)]. This bug calls for an ability to be able to manage any media type in the same way that Mozilla currently allows cookies and images to be blocked. Given that any "media enhancement" seems to be instantlly glommed onto by advertisers, I think this is our last best hope for a sane Web.

On a similar tack: [link||#70805 -- implement Macromedia Flash blocker]. I hate virtually all flash I encounter. I don't like movement or sound, and Flash gives me both, with little control over either. It's grossly abused. There is some cool stuff done with Flash, most of it falling under the "cute" rhubric. Haven't yet seen anything that I can't live without, let alone that would persuade me to install Flash on my own box. The ability to, as this bug (and patch!) block Flash selectively by site would be a plus. Better: allow a "default deny" policy, and specify only the sites which are allowed to display Flash (or another media type). Better: allow the user to say "Ok, you can run this Flash thing, but in a standalone player (the whole plugin architecture concept is IMO fucked, screwed, abused, and broken). But I really don't have any strong feelings about it.

For the plugins you don't have (or want), [link||#61103 -- Stop default plugin from launching on page load on linux (mac?)]. Yes, for the fucking 9,328th time, I know this page has Flash, and now, I don't want the fucking plugin. Go away.

In the general annoyances category, [link||#88810 -- Remove code that unnecessarily focuses/raises windows]. Mozilla thinks it should rise to the top of the stack when something happens. finishes loading a page. I mean, this is newsworthy and all, but it's annoying as all fuck. The discussion on this bug reveals some sorely misguided programmer thinking.

There's also my very own [link||#111879 -- Allow user specification of font step size, or document CSS required for same]. Which, as the subject suggests, advocates setting font sizing scales as a user preference. I've addressed this with a sytlesheet solution which largely works and addresses most of the issue.

If you're not familiar with bugzilla, you have the option for voting on bugs. The voting system ain't great, but it is a way for users to indicate what they think are important issues on the system. The items listed here have from 3 to 43 votes. Kicking in a few extra votes for bugs you think are important will help emphasize what needs help. Registration required, but highly recommended.