Kiss my ass!

I was tired when I wrote it. So I fucked up. Big Fucking Deal! My grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct most of the time because I minored in English in college. I take pride in that, so Fuck Off and Die!

I, too, don't like it when people butcher the English language. My biggest pet peeve is when people write "your" when they want to express "you are". Totally pisses me off! However, being a civilized person, I don't jump down their throats yelling, " You stoopid cocksucking Cretins! Didn't you learn your goddamned contractions in the third grade?" No, I allow huge, bungling assclowns the opportunity to do that.

CRC has issues. He needs intense therapy. He needs a teddy bear. He needs to stop wetting the bed. If he came to visit us, we could help him. Really! We will put the rubber sheets on the bed in the guest room, put padding on the wall and deprogram him from the asshole that he is and turn him into a rather likeable human being.

In the meantime, I will simply agree with him to get him to shut his pie-hole and give him a big, wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek to gross him out.

You want a piece of me?