[link|http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=24741|The Inq]:

THE FIREFOX extension, Greasemonkey, which has been championed in remote corners of Spoddom is as leaky as a sieve with one hole - a great big one - and should be unstalled or disabled immediately.

A fatal flaw uncovered yesterday by a Mozilla-friendly chap - and who knows when by naughty scum-of-the-earth hackers - can only "expose the contents of every file on your local hard drive to every site you visit", reads a posting on Mozilla's Greasemonkey site.


The only safe Greasemonkey, we hear, is version 0.3.5 which is "neutered" and available from the greaseblog page below.

[link|http://greaseblog.blogspot.com/2005/07/mandatory-greasemonkey-update.html|greaseblog ]
