So adding an Index that has the same definition as the Primary Key is generally frowned upon since it adds the overhead of another index, without adding any value. If you want to see the indexes, just modify the TableName in the following query:
SELECT\n   IndexName   = RTRIM(,\n   TableName   = RTRIM(,\n   ColumnName  = RTRIM(,\n   KeyNo       = RTRIM(sik.keyno)\nFROM\n   sysindexes ind\n   INNER JOIN sysindexkeys sik ON(\n      (sik.indid = ind.indid))\n   INNER JOIN syscolumns col ON(\n      (col.colid = sik.colid))\n   INNER JOIN sysobjects tab ON(\n      ( = AND\n      ( = AND\n      ( =\nWHERE \n   ( = 'MyTableName')   \nORDER BY\n   TableName,\n   IndexName,\n   ColumnName,\n   KeyNo
Also it's worth noting that a Primary Key may be NonClustered, electing to have one of the other indexes be Clustered.