KBR's been busy. [link|http://www.corporatepolicy.org/topics/Halliburton%20Timeline.htm|Linky]:


The Navy hired Halliburton to build prison camps for terrorists in Guantanamo 2003 War Bay for $37 million. The State Department hired Halliburton to build a new embassy in Afghanistan for $100 million. And a secret task force picked Halliburton to receive a noncompetitive $7 billion contract to repair Iraq's oil fields. (Peter Carlson, "The Profitable Connections Of Halliburton," Washington Post, 2/10/2004)

If we decide to close Gitmo, KBR will still get their money. :-)

I have trouble believing that the prison at Guantanamo will be closed anytime soon. They'd reorganize it, allow outside inspectors, etc., but I don't see them closing it. The Pentagon's pretty good about resisting outside pressures like that. Remember, the ( [link|https://www.benning.army.mil/whinsec/|https://www.benning.army.mil/whinsec/] )[1] School of the Americas still exists even though many groups have tried for years to get it closed - it just has a different name. [link|http://www.globalsecurity.org/org/news/2004/041004-gitmo.htm|This] story from 2004 has more information about the prison at Guantanamo.

As to them getting money if Guantanamo is closed, I dunno. There's lots of boilerplate in government contracts that says the US can back out at any time. I'm sure there's similar verbiage in that contract with KBR.

[1] z doesn't like https hrefs.