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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New That reminds me
of The King Of The Patato-People. Someone I had invented to place blame on for stuff that cannot be explained. Once you have someone to take the blame for things, you start to feel better about yourself. :)

But ultimately it is a crutch, we need to learn to take responsibility for our own actions and then learn how to improve our lives without harming others. Learn what it takes to grow up and become an adult and stop acting like a child.

But then, us Christians, are told that we have to be like a child if we are to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So where do we draw the line?
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!"Moe Howard
New Childlike.. is nothing like childish.
Shakespeare can help you find that wavy line, but no one can 'explain' it or anything else that really matters.

Not help desk or even Help Desk can. Nor MAN life [C.R.]

     every one should have a white man - (boxley) - (3)
         ~~ Every woman should have a 'wife', too. - (Ashton)
         That reminds me - (orion) - (1)
             Childlike.. is nothing like childish. - (Ashton)

Carefully labored prose!
34 ms