'It' #*^@#%#$ well Isn't simple! but the arbitrary polarization never helps either -- most so-called -erals or -atives I've ever met, have highly intermixed fav gripes - overall ranking from Fascist through Pollyanna - with local stops at various kinds of fetishism (through osmosis of the prevailing Puritan swamp gas?).

Yup too re 'counting the dead' (so as to set the fuzing on your versatile nuke [most nowadays have little er adjustments like that] between stun and puree?) is another kind of silliness.

Festering under all the latest film noir stimulus/response: our utter unsuitability ever to have embarked upon playing (on Tee Vee) I'll Be Your Imperialist Power this evening, for your Comfort&Convenience.

We lack the panache, the saviore faire and - the good lines.. I mean: War against Evil ??? Give. Me. A. Brake.

So I guess all we can do is, play it by ear - day by excruciating day of bad prose and squinty-eyed teleprompter readers. Y'know?

W.C. Fieldmouse

Just lookin fer loopholes, son .. lookin fer loopholes