across the pristine RED || || vertical lines.. symbolizing the blood of Patriots -

Juxtaposed with the WHITE background.. recalling the Cowards who would dissent. The perfect order of that basic little black dress with string of matched pearls ...

Why, it just brings a (inoperable) lump to one's throat. Can Canonization for Ashie and Bushie be enough? or come soon enough? (don't you have to be dead for that honor?)

{sigh} My homeland is feeling more and more secured. I feel that when those Anti Bombastic Missiles are finally installed, I shall rest well.. knowing I am in a Giant Vault at last. Protected from Them. A song is in my heart, at the very thought!

Can't Help Lovin that Vault o'Mine

Fish gotta swim, birds gotta flee,
I gotta love one Vault as I die,
So I can't help lovin' that Vault of mine.

Now, tell me It's hazy, tell me It glows,
Tell me I'm crazy, maybe I know,
But I can't help lovin' that Vault of mine!

Isn't Art just so .. umm McArtistic?