Good luck, as I recall they are bus-mice as in they only ran with special adapter cards. An 8 bit ISA card IIRC. We had some at a college I was working at in the lab, Microsoft and Logictec mice, and some idiots stole the mice but didn't understand that they needed the bus cards to make them work. They never got returned. We had them on PC and PC-XT systems running Windows 3.0 or 2.0 for a while, or used a DOS driver for WP, Lotus, and other software.

The way mice are priced these days, it would be cheaper to get a $10 Generic mouse that uses a serial port and get a 9 pin to 25 pin serial port adapter for a few dollars more. You'll most likely have to hit an auction site to buy a new(used) ISA bus card for the mouse.