(with apologies to Patrick O'Brien, 19th Century British sailors and English language in general)

With a joyful heart, allow me to declare
My undying devotion to NPR\ufffds Fresh Air
For yesterday, when my cat ran away,
Fresh Air was there to save the day.

A few days ago they had an interview
With a pet detective, who expressed a view
That runaway cats don\ufffdt really run away
But are scared to death and in a secret place stay.

And sure enough, when I checked around the house
There was the cat, in the bushes, scared like a mouse.
Then my wife called the poor thing in
And back home he came, of the cat food thinkin\ufffd.

Therefore I implore each and every man
To give generously to NPR as much as he can.
As for me, my donation is assured
The next time the money for NPR is procured.