Yes, the Reactionaries will call that Commyunist. ""Unity"" is All. Indefinitely.

The 'Conservatives' will call that premature ... let's wait a few years ... ... ... and see if we get any of these Millennium Attacks cancelled (??) Then we can start at the local School-board level, get the changes into a platform of the New Party for Those Not Yet in Jail, and such. What, we worry?

But for Right Now: I vote for accuracy in titling as in, ..lest we forget All the Wars extant.

Any other votes? Don't got no steenkin Badgers / Polls on Zope (nor crashes either :-)

not yet incarcerated but.. ya never Know.. y'know?
I talked to an Ayrab once. Also to a Saudi! {shudder}
And a Fundamentalist..