Please, lets not learn anything from anybody else. This is all so wonderfully new and shiny and we made it all up by ourselves with our eyes closed and nobody could possibly know more than we do even though we're getting it wrong pretty often and we've set general programming back 10 years with all of our shite.

"Anyway, wossisface Gosling who invented Java seems to like it, right enough."

case rest.

I went to a talk yesterday - some wanker going on and on about AsspectJ and how it simplifies this and adds that and isn't it all magic its the new OO going to be the wave of the future. Nevermind that it doesn't work with dynamic invocation (via reflection) or that it suddenly confounds all the debuggers that we just got working reliably after years and years of printout based debugging.

Its taken a million J-monkeys something like 5 years just to make aspects work reasonably seamlessly. On squeak guy took a look at it and hacked out AspectS in a weekend. Just to see if it would be helpful. I don't think anybody's bothered to use it but there it is - a simple api on top of the meta object protocol to do the aspect "weaving". Turns out that its hardly worth building a whole facility for it when you can write a couple thingies in a few minutes to do the same thing.