Something comparable to the both egregious (and laughable) rantings of their exact equivalents: Jerry Foulwell, immediately supported by Pat Robertson and his band of Yahoos. (Remember: ~it were them queers n'such what brung this on us'ns; were we all Xians JustLikeThem - why Gawd woulda caused engine trouble on those planes. Woe unto the Heretics. Etc.)

See? We need something equally loony sounding as can penetrate into the mindfulness of your average wannabe-peaceful Muslim. Something Extreme uttered in the-death-throes: to bring home the folly that was theirs, in ever giving allegiance to Wackos who maim people for beardlessness or a piece of skin showing through a walking prison-sack.

And.. alas, if the mainstream Still can't see much wrong with (that last phrase) ?? Then given the juvenile emotional state of the species, it may come down to:

Do you kill lots before.?. some of those 30K+ nukes (and other toys we love to make in STUPID excess, because we Are such an a-hole species) -- find their way into the hands of a few who would kill most-All IF they could.?.

Let us prey then - for equal-time for massively stupid utterances.. ON TAPE.
