I think the author of the first piece is a bit misguided about the defining character of Facism. Chauvinistic and two tiered legal systems are a natural result of Facism, not a cause. Facist states work by manipulation of the middle and lower classes. This usually results in the oppression of some hated minority, because they are an easy target. But this is not the defining characteristic of Facism.

I would define the single defining characteristic of Facism as a melding of state / military / industy into a single unit. Everything else largely flows from that.

As for the warning signs of Facism, you could argue about several of the points. In fact, 2 and 7 are the only ones I would say we are currently close to Facist levels. Still, I would agree that in the past 4 years we have gone the wrong way on every one.

Point 3 is actually the one I have the biggest problem with, not because it's invalid, but because I have yet too see any government that doesn't use that method on occasion.
