But you can't have any idea of my response to your Popular shibboleths as substitute for thinking - spotted owls ?? - you're only vaguely close re timber:

I indeed believe that we should have forests. As the rain forests disappear at accelerating rates: we may live long enough to see via their loss: what else (within the biota in such forests) - was essential to human survival too?

As if we understood an iota of the interdependence of the entire ecosystem. Oh..! that might be "PC" to mention. Whatever PC variously 'means' amidst the slogan people. 23 Skidoo to you too.

For me it is simply a fact from experience: the vast majority of US citizens have become merely consumers and are disinterested in anything else - certainly not spotted owls, known world petroleum reserves - or right now, so far: whatever the fuck the Constitution might have been about.

I have little idea which Ruling Group you'd like to stand in for a mass of grazing sheep, but my first guess would be: Biznessmen. Yup - with a copy of Atlas Shrugged under one arm and the SCSSA under the other, or maybe just a cel-fone with the Senator's private number will do. As currently.

Hell, next you'll be assigning me a label as one o' them Libruls! or something, without ever having looked up the word in a pre 1980 dictionary.

Nahh you gots no idea who I vote against (except maybe: against replacing Government with Corporation. Correct on that nay vote.)

Who blame? Why not The Murican Peepul - who didn't notice or care enough, except about shopping.

Who didn't expect much better, actually - since Nixon.
That measured: the sucker constant.