\n[broom@mash compress]$ time sum t2\n47595 497564\n\nreal    0m2.850s\nuser    0m2.240s\nsys     0m0.610s\n

Note: I DO transfer TB, too damn often.
We usually use a (tar | rsh system tar) command.

Actually, tomorrow, I'll be going in to the office to move about 4TB.
The last time we did this we were actually moving data from pieces
of striped luns, so we used the Veritas ability to evacuate a Lun.

Way too slow. Tomoww I'll be useing a file system level command
such as the one above, except it will be a local system move.
Hell, it might be a "cp -rvp"

Also, note, that I will be doing it via a Sun box. Which is about
1/10th the speed of the Opteron. Compression is WAY TO SLOW at
that point as well.