if I do the following, invoking a listener for my ORB using visibroker

xscWNPBridgeOBF20 -r VSN2626 -s VSN2626 -c xsc_Config.8.0 -p 40004 -P 40004 -I -Dvbroker.se.default.local.listener.shm=false -Dvbroker.orb.enableShmIPC=false > /dev/null 2>&1 0</dev/null &

the call pukes all over itself and core dumps, the name VSN2626 is pulled out of /dev/ass just a convention, now if I invoke the same command with this name, it works, any ideas?

xscWNPBridgeOBF20 -r SIGN2626 -s SIGN2626 -c xsc_Config.8.0 -p 40004 -P 40004 -I -Dvbroker.se.default.local.listener.shm=false -Dvbroker.orb.enableShmIPC=false > /dev/null 2>&1 0</dev/null &

I think its a combo of the port and name in binary which the ORB doesnt like.