Saudi Arabia gave material support to the 9/11 hijackers, in the form of finances and personnel, to a much larger extent than Mr. Hussein ever did.

Yet they remain our allies.

When we invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban fled to neigbhoring Pakistan, which has only reluctantly made token efforts to shut them down. There are still reports of collusion within Pakistan's military and intelligence services with the Al-Quaeda forces.

Yet they remain our allies.

Mr. Hussein had contact with Al-Quaeda, no question there. However, a LOT of middle eastern leaders had contact with Al-Quaeda - and Mr. Hussein was a convenient punching bag for the United States.

Bush manipulated the intel, and you are deluding yourself if you believe otherwise. The evidence is there, it's been argued to death, and the conclusion is simple: Bush invaded Iraq for his own personal gain, not to secure the U.S. against further attacks.