My case is less onerous - have been adopted by a full grown brown Tabby. Fortunately she is collared with phone # on tag, and not starving.

This is the Best way to have a cat own you. If I have chicken or salmon (!) the general MO is the same, though eating speed approaches the frantic with the latter. (The selected, better-than-usual dry food is usually not snarfed up with gusto - but offered more often.) Kittens' needs are different, I'm told. (And most canned food for 'pets' is rilly awful for their health. Like adults' junk food. Figures, I guess.)

She is also obv. a Bogart-lover, for the tag says, Sierra (so naturally I greet her now frequent visits with, High, Sierra!) She gets some lap time, but mainly after dinner it's: the slow walk to the door and the occasional look back.. (if it was the salmon)

Nice. I prefer part-time. And cats don't fawn (well.. with fish odor - but then They know that You know that they're just pretending. So it's OK)