Doing my morning grocery shopping today I spotted some cans of Harissa Sauce. Having an interest in Tunisian and Moroccan cooking, I picked up a can. It was DEA brand, made in Frogland, but I figured, "Hey, the Frogs were in Algeria for years so they should know about this stuff".

Opened the can and started sampling it (It may be "hot" in New York, but certainly not in SoCal - you can eat this stuff with a spoon).

So I looked up "harissa" on the I'net and found this right off: "Contamination of DEA brand Harissa Hot Sauce with Sudan I Dye". "Sudan I . . . is considered to be a genotoxic carcinogen and its presence, at any level, is not permitted in foodstuffs for any purpose."

Oh Yum!

Fortunately my can has an expiry of 24-04-2006 and the FSA (British Food Standards Agency) says anything after 21-01-2006 has had all patches applied and is considered safe (but they spell "color" wrong through the entire article, so how can we trust them?).