I read your mention of unicorns just after I read [link|http://www.groklaw.net/comment.php?mode=display&sid=20040518130243366&title=All%20the%20stalling%20is%20for%20Longhorn%20to%20get%20ready&type=article&order=ASC&hideanonymous=0&pid=137187#c137228|this] Groklaw thread:

The upgrade will be necessary because 'Win2k and 2000 Server' will no longer be supported, and Office <2003 and Outlook <2003, will not be supported once 'Unicorn' becomes available. Likewise, Security updates will be mandatory otherwise MacroHard will not be able to audit your licences on a quarterly basis, nor will they be able to erase your copies (archived or not) of any emails between you and them, in accordance with their policy (as delineated in their to be amended EULA) to eradicate any email that might be categorized as "Halloween Xn!"

Shunner breeze, makes me feel, er, twitchy. Blowing through the wormholes in my mind...
