Missed it, but reading [link|http://www.csmonitor.com/earlyed/early_usa041304.htm|a report]...

Monitor White House correspondent Feldmann noted that the president repeated the deeply religious language he often uses in campaign appearances to explain the US mission in Iraq. "Freedom is the Almighty\ufffds gift," the president said. "We have an obligation to work toward a more free world."

Whazzat, "Slavery is Freedom" and "This is a holy war" in the same line? Also:

we must stay the course because the end result is in our nation\ufffds interest.

looks a lot like "The ends justify the means".

Found [link|http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/04/20040413-20.html|a transcript], will try to read. A glanceover makes it look like he doesn't have a fsckign clue what's he's doing in Iraq.