At that price.. be silly not to play. Even if the several testers deem this box 'stealth' - invisible. Just now.

Having been lucky (?) thus far via ZoneAlarm for V90ish dialup (but Not anything beyond V.2.6.88 - for reasons not interesting to mention) on 98SE-lite, maybe I should take my winnings and step upwards. Seems likely that the "True Vector" thingie, however clever the games ZA plays in hiding its mere disk location via roulette.. shall be hacked - such a fun game for the cretinous mind. I suppose it's also irrelevant to the risks of '04 that - there's no Lookout or IE (except the necessary stubs left) and no local network either - on this box.

No NICs here (yet, anyway). What need then, with Netgear RT314 to accommodate mere dialup? By 'stateful' is this about ~ IPv6 or DHCPv6? v4? (or irrelevant to my concern). Will this then autoconfig, pretty much? Does router talk to a HTML setup menu, display its default port list, etc? ie do I have to grok any static addressing to setup this box? (I'm supposing a need for one NIC, cable, in P-III box + driver and a clue for picking an address for that.)

What think? PITA or no-brainer? Thanks.
