Perhaps we can meet around that weinie er crapware roast, warm our backsides from..
that glow which can truly light the world..

(Thanks JFK - your words were wiser than many acts you had time to try out.. And then: you might have proved a dud after all. Oh well.)

Ya got me - alas I have no more 'hope' than you, that anything much in the way of campaign reform can ameliorate the fact of: self-selection of the terminally ego-mad and manipulative - as ever are the prototypical seekers of power. Not that Murica has a monopoly on such filtering; just - we be so sanctimonious about how Our Slime is better than Your Slime! :[

And no.. I possess no magna carta for undoing the execrable which 'we' have done - along with the occasional magnificent.. largely done by the founders of a huge Idea (we mostly fail to give even lip-service, in daily bizness).

May aim next is simply, not to yield to a growing hysteria and jingoism which.. we seem prone to, and whose momentum appears to follow the laws of physics and not of reason.

