That is,

If the elite of a society decide to make themselves the ruling class, win at all costs, including cheating, lying, stealing, and even kililng.

Then, the result is that the power of the society will concentrate into those people's hands (Communism OR Capitalism) Until an angered majority removes them from power.

The more concentrated the wealth, the more violent and bloody the revolution will be. And for those attempting to stay in power, the more brutal the repression must be.

It's exactly why the U.S. can't win in Iraq without occupying it for 40 years.

It's not about Communism or Capitalism, it's about the wealthiest in a society deciding to share with those less fortunate.

If you mandate sharing, as does Communism, then the wealthy will create party and power structures to ensure that everyone has an "equal" allocation. Some more "equal" than others.

So the answer is that we need to remove those from power who would "hoard" wealth and power itself. That's why I hate our political system now, Abraham Lincoln could never be elected in 2004.

Glen Austin