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New Who here knows JES errors and/or PL/I

Figure out the error here if possible.

\n 00001 //     EXEC  PG\n00002 TEST1: PROC OPTIONS (MAIN);\n00003 /* CHANGE ONLY THE PROGRAM NAME, ALL ELSE REMAINS CONSTANT */\n00004 /* WHERE TO GO AT END OF FILE */\n00005 ON ENDFILE (INFILE) GO TO EOJ;\n00006 /* DECLARE OR DEFINE AN 132-CHARACTER INPUT AREA */\n00007 DCL INAREA CHAR (132);\n00008 /* READ AN INPUT RECORD */\n00009 LOOP: READ FILE (INFILE) INTO (INAREA);\n00010     WRITE FILE (OUTFILE) FROM (INAREA);\n00011 /* CONTINUE UNTIL END OF FILE */\n00012 GO TO LOOP:\n00013 /* AT END, JUST END */\n00014 EOJ:  END TEST1;\n00015 // G.INFILE DD DSN=CCIP.Z6BAR.LAYOUT,DISP=SHR\n00016 // G.OUTFILE DD\nDSN=CCIP.Z6BAR.LAYOUT2,DISP=(,CATLG),UNIT=DISK,\n00017 // SPACE=(TRK,(10,1),RLSE),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=132,BLKSIZE=0)\n\n\n\n\n                   J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  P R D 1  --  N O D E  C C I 1 J E S A                                    \n                                                                                                                                    \n22.59.33 JOB14971 ---- SATURDAY,  27 DEC 2003 ----                                                                                  \n22.59.33 JOB14971  IEFC452I BARZ6037 - JOB NOT RUN - JCL ERROR                                                                      \n------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------                                                                                                   \n           28 CARDS READ                                                                                                            \n          140 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS                                                                                                  \n            0 SYSOUT PUNCH RECORDS                                                                                                  \n            9 SYSOUT SPOOL KBYTES                                                                                                   \n         0.00 MINUTES EXECUTION TIME                                                                                                \n        1 //BARZ6037 JOB (CCIP-Z6BAR),'BAR',                                      JOB14971                                          \n          //        CLASS=L,USER=Z6BAR                                                                                              \n          /*JOBPARM R=116                                                                                                           \n          /*ROUTE  PRINT RMT1                                                                                                       \n        2 //PL1     EXEC UPL,PROJ=SHARE,                                             0.02                                           \n          //             MEMBER=PLTEST                                               0.05                                           \n          XX*------------------------------------------------------------------*                                                    \n          XX*      PROC: UPL                                                   *                                                    \n          XX*  FUNCTION: LIBRARIAN UPDATE, PL1 COMPILE AND LINKEDIT            *                                                    \n          XX*      DEPT: TECH SUPPORT                                          *                                                    \n          XX*-------------------------------+----------------------------------*                                                    \n        3 XXUPL     PROC C=CCIP,            | HIGH LEVEL CATALOG INDEX         *                                                    \n          XX             LIB=LIBRMAST,      | LAST LEVEL OF LIBRARY DSN        *                                                    \n          XX             LOADLIB=TESTLIB,   | LINKEDIT OUTPUT AND SYSLIB       *                                                    \n          XX             MEMBER=DUMMY,      | OUTPUT LOAD MODULE NAME          *                                                    \n          XX             PROJ=SHARE,        | MIDDLE LEVEL OF LIBRARY DSN      *                                                    \n          XX             SYSOUT=A           | SYSOUT CLASS                     *                                                    \n          XX*-------------------------------+----------------------------------*                                                    \n          XX*                                                                                                                       \n          XX*            .-----------------------------------------------------.                                                    \n          XX*            | UPDATE LIBRARIAN MODULE:                            |                                                    \n          XX*            '-----------------------------------------------------'                                                    \n          XX*                                                                                                                       \n        4 XXU       EXEC PGM=AFOLIBR,PARM='NJTA,NRJS,IEX=IEX'                     99-11-04                                          \n        5 XXINDEX    DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n        6 XXLIST     DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n        7 XXMASTER   DD  DSN=&C..&PROJ..&LIB,DISP=SHR                                                                               \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - DSN=CCIP.SHARE.LIBRMAST,DISP=SHR                                                              \n        8 XXOSJOB    DD  DSN=&&OSJOB,DISP=(,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)),                                                     \n          XX             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=2000)                                                                       \n        9 XXSTEPLIB  DD  DSN=SYS1.CAI.CAILIB,DISP=SHR                             99-11-04                                          \n       10 XXSYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n       11 XXSYSPUNCH DD  SYSOUT=D,DCB=(RECFM=F,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=80)                                                                 \n          XX*                                                                                                                       \n          XX*            .-----------------------------------------------------.                                                    \n          XX*            | PL/1 COMPILE:                                       |                                                    \n          XX*            '-----------------------------------------------------'                                                    \n          XX*                                                                                                                       \n       12 //SYSIN     DD *               GENERATED STATEMENT                                                                        \n       13 XXP       EXEC PGM=IEL1AA,                                              98-01-02                                          \n          XX             PARM='AG,NEST,A,OF,X(S),MACRO,NIS',                                                                        \n          XX             REGION=3M,COND=(4,LT,U)                                |                                                   \n       14 XXSTEPLIB  DD  DSN=IEL.V1R1M1.SIELCOMP,DISP=SHR                         98-01-02                                          \n       15 XX         DD  DSN=CEE.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR                                 98-01-02                                          \n       16 XXSYSIN    DD  DSN=&&OSJOB,DISP=(OLD,DELETE)                                                                              \n       17 XXSYSLIB   DD  DSN=CEE.SCEESAMP,DISP=SHR                                                                                  \n       18 XX         DD  DSN=CCIP.SHARE.COPYLIB,DISP=SHR                                                                            \n       19 XXSYSLIN   DD  DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=VIO,                                                                    \n          XX             SPACE=(TRK,(5,5)),DCB=BLKSIZE=3200                       98-01-02                                          \n       20 XXSYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n       21 XXSYSUT1   DD  UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,5))                                                                                 \n          XX*                                                                                                                       \n          XX*            .-----------------------------------------------------.                                                    \n          XX*            | LINK EDIT:                                          |                                                    \n          XX*            '-----------------------------------------------------'                                                    \n          XX*                                                                                                                       \n       22 XXL       EXEC PGM=LINKEDIT,COND=((4,LT,U),(9,LT,P)),                                                                     \n          XX             PARM='XREF,LET,LIST',REGION=2M                                                                             \n       23 XXSYSLIB   DD  DSN=CCIP.OS390.PL1OPTS,DISP=SHR                          98-01-02                                          \n       24 XX         DD  DSN=CEE.SCEELKED,DISP=SHR                                98-01-02                                          \n       25 XX         DD  DSN=SYS2.PRODLIB,DISP=SHR                                98-01-02                                          \n       26 XX         DD  DSN=CCIP.SHARE.TESTLIB,DISP=SHR                                                                            \n       27 XXSYSLIN   DD  DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE)                                                                            \n       28 XX         DD  DDNAME=SYSIN                                                                                               \n       29 XXSYSLMOD  DD  DSN=&C..&PROJ..&LOADLIB(&MEMBER),DISP=SHR                                                                  \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - DSN=CCIP.SHARE.TESTLIB(PLTEST),DISP=SHR                                                       \n       30 XXSYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n       31 XXSYSUT1   DD  UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(TRK,(5,5))                                                                                 \n          XX*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*                                                   \n       32 //     EXEC  PG                                                            1.                                             \n          XX*------------------------------------------------------------------*                                                    \n          XX*      PROC: PG                                                    *                                                    \n          XX*  FUNCTION: PL/1 COMPILE AND GO                                   *                                                    \n          XX*      DEPT: TECH SUPPORT                                          *                                                    \n          XX*-------------------------------+----------------------------------*                                                    \n       33 XXPG      PROC SYSOUT=A,DUMP=0    | SYSOUT CLASS                     *                                                    \n          XX*-------------------------------+----------------------------------*                                                    \n       34 XXP       EXEC PGM=IEL1AA,REGION=3M,                                                                                      \n          XX             PARM='OBJECT,NODECK,OFFSET'                                                                                \n       35 XXSTEPLIB  DD  DSN=IEL.V1R1M1.SIELCOMP,DISP=SHR                                                                           \n       36 XX         DD  DSN=CEE.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR                                                                                   \n       37 XXSYSLIB   DD  DSN=CCIP.SHARE.COPYLIB,DISP=SHR                                                                            \n       38 XXSYSLIN   DD  DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=3390,                                                                   \n          XX             SPACE=(TRK,(5,5))                                                                                          \n       39 XXSYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n       40 XXSYSUT1   DD  UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,5))                                                                                 \n       41 //SYSIN     DD *               GENERATED STATEMENT                                                                        \n       42 //SYSIN     DD *               GENERATED STATEMENT                                                                        \n       43 //SYSIN     DD *               GENERATED STATEMENT                                                                        \n       44 //SYSIN     DD *               GENERATED STATEMENT                                                                        \n       45 //SYSIN     DD *               GENERATED STATEMENT                                                                        \n       46 //SYSIN     DD *               GENERATED STATEMENT                                                                        \n       47 XXG       EXEC PGM=LOADER,PARM='MAP,PRINT',COND=(9,LT,P),REGION=2M                                                        \n       48 XXCEEDUMP  DD  SYSOUT=&DUMP                                                                                               \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=0                                                                                      \n       49 XXSTEPLIB  DD  DSN=CCIP.OS390.PL1OPTS,DISP=SHR                                                                            \n       50 XX         DD  DSN=CEE.SCEERUN,DISP=SHR                                                                                   \n       51 XX         DD  DSN=CCIP.SHARE.TESTLIB,DISP=SHR                                                                            \n       52 XXSYSLIB   DD  DSN=CCIP.OS390.PL1OPTS,DISP=SHR                                                                            \n       53 XX         DD  DSN=CEE.SCEELKED,DISP=SHR                                                                                  \n       54 XX         DD  DSN=CCIP.SHARE.TESTLIB,DISP=SHR                                                                            \n       55 XXSYSLIN   DD  DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE)                                                                            \n       56 XXSYSLOUT  DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n       57 XXSYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=&SYSOUT                                                                                             \n          /* WHERE TO GO AT END OF FILE */                                           4.                                             \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - SYSOUT=A                                                                                      \n       58 // G.INFILE DD DSN=CCIP.Z6BAR.LAYOUT,DISP=SHR                             15.                                             \n       59 // G.OUTFILE DD DSN=CCIP.Z6BAR.LAYOUT2,DISP=(,CATLG),UNIT=DISK,           16.                                             \n       60 //         SPACE=(TRK,(10,1),RLSE),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=132,BLKSIZE=0)     17.                                             \n       61 //L.SYSLMOD DD DSN=CCIP.SHARE.TESTLIB(PLTEST),DISP=SHR                  9999.998                                          \n       62 //END   EXEC NOTIFY,USER=Z6BAR                                          9999.999                                          \n       63 XXNOTIFY  PROC USER='     ',MESSAGE='     '                                                                               \n       64 XXNOTIFY  EXEC PGM=NOTIFY,COND=EVEN,PARM='&USER,&MESSAGE'                                                                 \n          IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=NOTIFY,COND=EVEN,PARM='Z6BAR,     '                                                       \n STMT NO. MESSAGE                                                                                                                   \n        2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE UPL WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM LIBRARY CCIP.SHARE.PROCLIB                                               \n       32 IEFC001I PROCEDURE PG WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB                                                      \n       58 IEFC605I UNIDENTIFIED OPERATION FIELD                                                                                     \n       59 IEFC605I UNIDENTIFIED OPERATION FIELD                                                                                     \n       60 IEFC605I UNIDENTIFIED OPERATION FIELD                                                                                     \n       61 IEFC611I OVERRIDDEN STEP NOT FOUND IN PROCEDURE                                                                           \n       62 IEFC001I PROCEDURE NOTIFY WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM LIBRARY CCIP.SHARE.PROCLIB                                            \n
New Geez, that takes me back!
But unfortunately, back to a time I've mostly forgotten :(

My only guess would be, for lines 58 & 59, remove the space between the // and the G.blahblah

I could be completely off the mark, but that's my guess. It's been nearly 10 years since I've played with this stuff, that's my excuse :)

Than again, line 46 basically says 'following stuff is like in-line data...' and I don't remember how to terminate in-line data. So, not a great help, but there ya go.

One thing I can offer you is : Luck! :-)
John. Busy lad.
New Not that easy
The line wrap was a web funky.
I would have caught that.
I also changed the "GO TO LOOP:" to "GO TO LOOP;"

: -> ;

Not I'd ever construct a loop like this since PL/I has far better looping coubstructs, just that this is the original sample code the expert gave me as a starting point so I need to get this to compile before I go any further.
New Ack, I misunderstood you!
That was one of 3 problems. The other 2 were that I needed the 1st place to be blank in the "data" (code area) of the JCL. Finally, I broke something stupid in the initial compile call.

Arent't JCL errors FUN! There is NO WAY I would have caught that.

The guy helping me at my company is our semi-retired MF systems programmer. He's brilliant. His 2 languages of choice are assembler and PL/I. He lives somewhere down south and is on retainer to us for ongoing questions, etc.

He fixed this problem, and setup several other JCL files for me to use as examples.

The regular systems programmer is an asshole who like to see me go down in flames. Almost anytime I ask him something, his answer is both correct and useless. This way he avoids getting fired while almost never helping me. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but it seems an ongoing pattern.
New Quick note regarding your systems programmer
BOFH: It's not just for Linux :)
John. Busy lad.
New Nah, I could respect that
He was a tape monkey who fell into the sysprog role. He's not a programmer. He certainly is not a systems programmer. He's capable of reading manuals (sometimes) and setting things up (sometimes), but that is it.
New Ah, so just a B rather than a BOFH. Bummer :(
John. Busy lad.
New Re: Who here knows JES errors and/or PL/I
Sorry for the delay, I just found this BB. I hope any reader finds this helpful.

Your program appears fine. The problem is in the JCL.
The clue is:


The Fix is to remove the space between the "//" and the stepname "G". There can not be a space between the slashes and the DDNAME or in the case the
override stepname followed by the ddname. JCL expansion put non-overriding JCL behind the PROC expansion. So the override for the target library (SYSLMOD) is not associated with the preceeding PROC. There is no stepname of "L".

Your "systems programmer" need another career. This is a simple JCL error. If he can't figure that out how does he handle the really technical stuff?

New hehehehe and a very nice welcome to you
post often, Im sure Barry appreciates the advice.
All tribal myths are true, for a given value of "true" Terry Pratchett

Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 49 years. meep
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Excellent!
Do you know anything about OS/390 emulators?

We might be getting one; it's that or renting space on a machine they'll administer.

It's been 20 years since I've touched Big Iron....
Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.

Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning,
As hopeless as it seems in the middle,
Or as finished as it seems in the end.

New Thanks for the input
I've managed to abandon that project quite a while ago, instead setting up a program called tcAccess that lets me have an ODBC connection to VSAM files.

And yes, either he's an idiot or has it out for me.
New That or is not exclusive
I have come to believe that idealism without discipline is a quick road to disaster, while discipline without idealism is pointless. -- Aaron Ward (my brother)
     Who here knows JES errors and/or PL/I - (broomberg) - (11)
         Geez, that takes me back! - (Meerkat) - (5)
             Not that easy - (broomberg)
             Ack, I misunderstood you! - (broomberg) - (3)
                 Quick note regarding your systems programmer - (Meerkat) - (2)
                     Nah, I could respect that - (broomberg) - (1)
                         Ah, so just a B rather than a BOFH. Bummer :( -NT - (Meerkat)
         Re: Who here knows JES errors and/or PL/I - (geneMachine) - (4)
             hehehehe and a very nice welcome to you - (boxley)
             Excellent! - (imric)
             Thanks for the input - (broomberg) - (1)
                 That or is not exclusive -NT - (ben_tilly)

If your role can be replaced by Keanu Reeves miming walking into a non-existent wall, then you probably need to go back to waiting tables at the Ground Round--make that the homeless shelter.
63 ms