I thought the pocket analysis relatively 'fair' - though one has to ask (as did many respondents) - if the idea of fixing the blame (on a one or on the many) - isn't just too inane for words. Some samples:

What about the culpability of the
Republican Congress that held the Clinton
presidency, effective governance and the
American public hostage via the ill founded
impeachment proceedings?

When will the Clinton haters give it up?
The seeds were sown for today's situation
when Reagan went on TV talking tough and
did nothing about the terrorist acts during
his administration. The US was then
perceived as all talk and no action. Then
Bush 1 stopped short of getting part of the
job done in Iraq. I hope Bush 2 has learned
from these mistakes.

Blame is an excuse for not having a crystal

These "analysts" lead you away from the
real truth--Bin Laden is a power freak. He
was rich all his life and convinced himself
that he has a birthright to lead or control
Saudia Arabia. He wants the oil and the
power of being the most strategic player in
the Middle East when he gets control of
over 50% of the worlds oil. I hear analysts
talking all the time about terror and Islam.
Those are only the means he is using to get
to his end. In the WTC case he may have
screwed the pooch though. Now everyone is
out to kill him and he's sunk--he should be
killed. Had he stayed the course he was on
which was picking on small American
outposts like Somalia and Tanzania and a
few American bases he would have gotten
an Army of maybe 500,000 Islamic crazies
together who would have rolled over the
weakneed monarchy who rule Saudia
Arabia. They wouldn't have stood a chance
against this guy and what could we have
done (it would be a civil war or local fight
and none of our business). Actually, we
would probably have sent troops to make
sure the Saudia oilfields would be secure
but thats speculation. Bin Laden wants
what Hitler wanted domination of the
MidEast and its oil.
Any other analysis is a waste of time.
Well, he's screwed now--the WTC crashes
were great theater for his Islamic crazies
but American history shows that we put up
small doses of criminal behavior like car
bombs, etc but he aint going to get away
with this one. No President would be
compared in history to letting this guy
escape--he will be hunted for years. I
compare Bin Laden to Geronimo the Apache
Chief. The Army took two decades of
hunting him but in the end he and his
henchmen landed in prison thousands of
miles from their reservation. One would
hope that a FEMALE team of Army Rangers
would capture Bin Laden and in front of
CNN's TV cameras on primetime cut off ALL
his Manly Parts. What justice that would
be--he lives as a modified male for the rest
of his days.
Anyway.. I hope this little exercise might be enough to dispense with blame-fixing, at least among the lofty inhabitants of These parts! Hell, one nicely laid the beginnings to: the failure to deal with slavery; to really *mean* ALL people are citizens - leading to half a million or so, Civil War deaths.. a bit later.
