Create the TOC for the Perfect new forum:

Becoming M$-free! in x easy steps.
Yes: you too can gradually move 95% of your routine computing needs to a stable platform, experience faster performance than you'd imagined, pay no annual taxes; trade no new bugs for old!

I thought.. that creating a scenario and listing ~ # of hours on average, needed to progress from 'new CD' to the +/- s of Star Office VS Office Bloat: might reassure a few folk that, 'gradually' is an option to reading all the MAN pages at once - and suffocating.

Or something like that.. "zIWETHEY scoops RH et al! Practices KISS. In English."

(I gave up on 486s w/ 32 MB even though 'free'; soon as I grab another e-Machine's about time to begin in parallel)
