Ever since Tony Blair and entourage revised the Labour party to get elected, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have run the party and government like control freaks. MPs, including ministers, are expected to check their messages with No 10. All departmental spending is tightly controlled by the Chancellor. No matter how much a minister dislikes the Microsoft solution, a cancellation of the project will look bad, especially in the wake of other, computer disasters. No 10 do not want bad news in the Daily Mail or Express, so they'll stick with it and suppress the MPs involved.

Worse, Tony Blair appears to be sucking up to Microsoft. Consider the promotion of WinXP when he visited the UK headquarters. Any party press officer would simply set the presentation, especially during election time. If a host had the audacity to try and hijack the presentation, they'd be interrupted. After all, the cameras are following the politicians, not the corporation. In short, the Prime Minister allowed the WinXP promotion.

So we'll have wired government, but only if you use IE.