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New Scrapped today.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Tuesday scrapped a planned online futures market that aimed to get information on Middle East events by letting investors bet on the probability of wars, terrorist attacks and assassinations.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Stats-hip LRPD observes:____"The annual lizardfall in the
Monterey preserve of California approaches 4,800 lizards per acre per year."

Awe attends the realization that LRPD! can place even The Shrub Admin into perspective.
New Re: Scrapped today.

Mark my words, posterity will appreciate Admiral Poindexter as a brilliant and subversive social critic even if we can't. Paul Krassner, eat your heart out.

Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
New Guffaw....
I'll be...

*I* got that!!!!

Bah... Humor... who needs it!
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]

Soft sausages would gladly procreate in the bathwater of your verisimilitude.
New You're right!
My posterior DOES appreciate Poidexter!

Say What....???

Oh, 'scuze me............Never Mind!
The difference between Confidence and Ego is that Confidence has respect, while Ego does not.
Candyce Burns (my wife)
New Reuters: Poindexter to resign in coming weeks.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - John Poindexter, the retired Navy admiral who spearheaded two sharply criticized Pentagon projects, intends to resign from his Defense Department post within weeks, a senior U.S. defense official said on Thursday.

"It's my understanding that he ... expects to, within a few weeks, offer his resignation," the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told reporters.

Poindexter was involved with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's abandoned futures-trading market for predicting assassinations, terrorism and other events in the Middle East, and earlier with the so-called Total Information Awareness program that drew fire from civil rights groups.

New Be still my heart!
New Resignation effective August 29. WashPost story.

"In the highly-charged political environment of Washington, positions on highly complex issues are taken and debated using glib phrases, 'sound bites' and symbols," said Poindexter, who turned 67 yesterday. "I doubt that many people have read our report to Congress to get a balanced view of what we have been trying to do."

There's no doubt that he has a point there, but it should have been easy to see that he would not be regarded by many as a person who should be in that position at DARPA. Appearances do matter.

     "Satire is dead." - (rcareaga) - (11)
         Synchronicity - (admin)
         All right...I'm lost.... - (Simon_Jester)
         Sympathetic, but Satire Most Definitely Lives! - (mmoffitt)
         Scrapped today. - (admin) - (7)
             Stats-hip LRPD observes:____"The annual lizardfall in the - (Ashton)
             Re: Scrapped today. - (rcareaga) - (5)
                 Guffaw.... - (folkert)
                 You're right! - (jb4)
                 Reuters: Poindexter to resign in coming weeks. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                     Be still my heart! -NT - (Ashton)
                     Resignation effective August 29. WashPost story. - (Another Scott)

Be still, my beating heart.
86 ms