This is becoming religious and I don't see anyone convincing anyone else. You've all got your methods; use them. I have an extra tool that I can use with or without your blessing. So I'm not going to beat this example to death; it was a bad example from the beginning because it only gains significance if scaled up, which was part of the issue I was trying to avoid. If you can't generalize the concept from the example, then again we go nowhere, and the gain frankly isn't worth it even if one of us happened to convince another.

The only point I WILL make at this juncture, is this:
Then you don't need a thirty-line table at all...but a numeric variable NumberOfToolSetsRented somewhere, that fluctuates between zero and thirty.

Um... get thee behind me? This is, IMO, a far WORSE solution, since you are now hard-coding minute details of the transaction INTO A FREAKING VARIABLE NAME. What was that about scaling up? I give it...six months before such a horrible hack would get taken back out of the code. Make an invoice object with a Qty property, maybe, but NumberOfToolSetsRented is going too far.