if "forewarned is forearmed"? where are OUR 'armaments' for pointing out the duplicity BEFORE the rabbit sneaks out of the hat?

(Which returns to my mantra: there is no well-funded 'IT' organization overall; just nattering nabobs at the head of wannabe-M$ cowed competitors. No org. able to purchase the congresscritters as is done in the legislation market: via PACS, schmoozing and propaganda. Just small bands of the intelligentsia wringing hands, eternally)

I still think that - with no concerted counter to the Ministry of Propaganda, the Ministry wins. (But everybody thus hanging separately - indeed preserved their individuality... right down to extinction.)

Too late to begin now.. the momentum of War mindset shall choose Der Fuehrer over the disorganized opposition.

Bah. Munich again. Assholes.
