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New the problem w/ NPR/PBS is
...that it's a political football. Don't toe the political line of the party in power, and they're "too liberal" or "too conservative" (rare, but could happen), and what follows is the (now annual) threat to cut off/cut back funding.

That and their ever-present pandering for public contributions. (A necessary evil, I guess...)
"We continue to live in a world where all our know-how is locked into binary files in an unknown format. If our documents are our corporate memory, Microsoft still has us all condemned to Alzheimer's."
Simon Phipps, SUN Microsystems
New Newt and the other salamanders took care of that -
In the US Night of the Long Knives. I too am too lazy to look it up, but believe that the govt-% has now declined to 10-14% - and may be heading yet lower via that sleeper bill passed in a kangaroo congressional Photo Op. (I believe that event was just before? after? The Newt shook hands with Bill C. - re "pushing for election funding reform SOON".

Remember that fairy tale? I do.

Net effect: the org. owes less and less of Anything to the govt - this whereas, when Newt and the Repos made their move: IIRC the overall funding for all PBS represented a [then] cost of One Postage Stamp for every Murican. (Shameful, socialist-commmie thing, that.) Will owe more to the Corporatocracy of course: like the rest of US.

     TV News Ad - (deSitter) - (16)
         Because the news focuses mainly on the negative - (orion) - (1)
             Begging the Question - (deSitter)
         Haven't watched TV news in years - (kmself) - (4)
             local news - (lincoln)
             Fearmonger News - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 I *don't* want to see that commercial - (drewk)
             Gota tune into Channel 12 tonight - (mhuber)
         Not pleased to report that, - (Ashton)
         A view from abroad. - (static) - (7)
             I assume you saw Appollo 13? - (drewk)
             pap, yes--but wait, there's more! - (rcareaga)
             No, I think you Aussies got it about right... - (jb4) - (4)
                 I think you really need a national broadcaster. - (static) - (3)
                     PBS News Hour - (kmself) - (2)
                         the problem w/ NPR/PBS is - (jb4) - (1)
                             Newt and the other salamanders took care of that - - (Ashton)

Trouble with a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool!
41 ms